Victorian Buffalo Industry Council

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  VicBIC Trading Post  

VicBIC Trading Post Submittal

  • Placement of an ad is conditional upon acceptable ad text (and image if sent) as determined by VicBIC and receipt of payment.
  • We will refuse to publish ads or images that we reasonably deem to be offensive or inappropriate.
  • Term of placement is 90 days from placement on the web page unless sooner removal is requested by the seller.
  • VicBIC make no warranty as to the condition or accuracy of the ads. This is a responsibility of the seller and user.
  • Advertisments found to be misleading or false will be removed and may result in the seller being denied further postings.
  • Prices will not be displayed on animals due to VicBIC policy
  • You may cancel or withdraw your ad at any time. Refunds will not be given once the ad has been placed on the VicBIC Trading Post.
  • The fee for posting ads does not include GST.
  • We may change the conditions from time to time as required by the VicBIC Board or external conditions, such as regulations, etc.
  • Items placed on this site are copyright of VicBIC and may be used only with written permission.

  • In your submission, you must include your name, e-mail address and at least one contact phone number.
(Limit of 250 characters)



Contact Details:
(include Area Code in Phone numbers):
Name: *
Voice: *
Mobile: *
E-mail: *
ABN: (if applicable)
State/Territory of Affiliation with ABIC: (if applicable)
Ad Cost:

Rates to advertise: VicBIC Members, $15.00 for 3 months, $50.00 for 12 months. Non-VicBIC $50.00 for 3 months. ABIC Members' rates will be at the decretion of the VicBIC Committee.
Cheque made payable to VicBIC should be mailed to:
    PO Box 265, Yarra Glen, VIC 3775
or request details for a Bank Transfer to the VicBIC account.
Ad placement will be conditional on clearance of payment.

Image: Images should be of good quality and no greater than 600 pixels by 400 pixels resolution.
Limit of one picture per ad display.
No larger than 200,000 bytes

You will be asked to send the image after you send this information


To prevent automated spamming of our server,
please enter the characters above in the box below:

(Request will be sent by e-mail)




Affiliated with the Australian Buffalo Industry Council